First Scene
Eddie was given a deadline to finish his book and hand it to the publisher however he is not able to concentrate or create because of his emotional breakdown. Vunerable and helpless he takes comfort in his girlfriend Lindy who tired of Eddie’s indifference for her and the lack of prospects for life, ends the relationship.
Second Scene
Vergon, Eddie’s ex-wife’s brother introduces him to a new pill NZT, promising it will give him full acess to his brain’s capacities and therefore take total control over himself. Vergon assures him the pill is harmless and will help him finish his book so Eddie tries it without thinking twice. Then Vergon leaves him one of the pills and his business card in case Eddie wants to contact him again asking for more NZT.
Third Scene
To satisfy his curiosity, Eddie takes the pill given by Vergon. He starts feeling dizzy as soon as he arrives his flat and meets the landlord's wife who starts arguing about Eddie's lack of commitment when it comes to pay the rent.. Soon Eddie realizes the dizziness is due to NZT, allowing him a wide perception to details, concentration and giving him the ability to keep the conversation going but feeling total control and a superior ability to reason.
Fourth Scene
So the drug does indeed work, and it allows him to write the first 40 pages of his book, which excites his publisher.
Eddie asks for more of the drug, but when Vernon asks him to go pick up his dry cleaning, he returns to find Vernon murdered and his apartment. Eddie calls the police and deduces that Vernon was probably killed by someone who wanted NZT. He finds the drugs and a wad of cash, and uses them to turn his life around. That’s the scene that we’re gonna show you, he turning his life around.
Fifth Scene
Eddie becomes rich at an incredibly fast pace and is soon employed by the powerful businessman Carl Van Loon. Eddie also gets back together with Lindy. However, he is constantly followed by a man in a tan coat. Eddie also starts increasing his dose of NZT, causing side effects including lost time, frenetic activity, and heart palpitations. We’re going to show a scene between Eddie and Lindy, when he notices that someone’s following him, this scene also has the first time Eddie realizes the side effects of NZT.
The rest of the film is about Eddie trying to resist to the drug, and finding answers about it. It’s about the relationship with his boss: Carl Van Loon, and his girlfriend. And it’s all about he facing the world with this drug, that allows him to be the best.
As the trailer of the film says “Once the world is yours everyone wants a piece”, that’s why Eddie followed, and gets into a lot of troubles.
So I hope you like it, and go watch it! It is really worth it!